- New chip to solve quantum computing roadblocksThe European Commission invests €3 million to develop first-ever quantum chip that combines electronics and light using advanced Germanium-Silicon technology. The goal is to make quantum computers faster, more efficient, and scalable, enabling them to tackle challenges like drug discovery, cybersecurity, and AI. The project consortium unites leading institutions from across Europe to drive technological independence and quantum innovation.Read more
- €14 million euros to revolutionise light-emitting chipsLight-emitting microchips could transform the future of computing and University of Twente (UT) researcher Floris Zwanenburg is helping lead the way. Together with Erik Bakkers (TU/e) and Jonathan Finley (Technical University of Munich), Zwanenburg has secured a €14 million ERC Synergy Grant to turn this ambitious vision into reality with the project “Bright Chips”.Read more
- New chip to solve quantum computing roadblocks
- €14 million euros to revolutionise light-emitting chips
- ONCHIPS summer vibes
- 2nd International Workshop on Hexagonal SiGe and Related Materials
- ONCHIPS at QD2024
- Highlighting women’s contribution to the field of quantum science and technology
- European Quantum Technologies Conference 2023
- Facilitating ONCHIPS’ interaction with the European Commission and its quantum initiatives in the field of Quantum Technologies
- Meet Hafssa Ameziane, Ph.D. student at CNRS-Saclay
- High school lab tour at NanoElectronics University of Twente
- UT Girls’ Day 2023