On-chip integration of quantum electronics and photonics (ONCHIPS)

The Horizon Europe project ONCHIPS aims to provide a unique silicon-based integrated architecture by developing key building blocks for quantum technologies.

Such a technology combines the best of two worlds: it would interface individual spin qubits and photons, and drastically enhance the scalability of quantum systems. The ONCHIPS’ novel silicon platform integrating quantum electronics and photonics will make a high impact in the quantum community and semiconductor industry positioning Europe at the forefront of these domains.

In a unique and interdisciplinary approach, ONCHIPS partners join their forces to address the major key challenges in realizing this technology interfacing individual spin qubits and photons.

By using a new CMOS compatible and optically active material system - direct bandgap GeSi which won the Physics World 2020Breakthrough - the ONCHIPS partners will realize for the first-time quantum heterostructures, spin qubits, electronic and photonic quantum devices and spin-photon interfaces with the ultimate goal to integrate the electronics and photonics in a single silicon-based system.

ONChips partners

Coordinated by Prof. Floris Zwanenburg, the ONCHIPS project brings together world leading experts from Twente, Eindhoven, Münich, Paris, Delft, Konstanz and Budapest:

The ONCHIPS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101080022.